Tuesday, May 1, 2012


This beautiful young lady is one of my most dearest friends. After being away from her this year, each time I see her I am reminded of how lucky I am to have had such a wonderful person to room with. She stopped by last Sabbath for lunch, so we took the little time we had and did a quick shoot so she could have a picture for the yearbook. I am hoping she can visit again and that we can do a little bit more.


  1. Beautiful pictures!!! You are an amazing photographer Danielle!! Keep it up!

  2. The 4th one, the one with her mouth open, makes me laugh! And Liss, you would totally flip your hair like that (the 6th one)! lol. I really like them. Liss, you are one gorgeous girl!

  3. wow. Melissa is really cute.

  4. Love the Snapshot! Liss is absolutely a Doll!!!!
